Check abims that wants to work on it

What is Reth?

An open-source Ethereum execution layer client built by Paradigm.



  1. Modularity
  2. Performance: Reth wants to be very fast
  3. Support as many EVM chains as possible, starting with Ethereum
  4. Configurability: Reth is for node operators that want fast queries but also for normal people who wants to run it on average hardware ⇒ configurable profiles

Work to be done for EPF

TODO: Ask mentor Georgios Konstantopoulos

I found these topics (maybe some of those are solved now):

  1. Can we pre-fetch data so that when we query the memmapped database, we can cache other values “for free” instead of making a new DB query?
  2. Can we statically analyze a block to predict all the touched storage slots without execution? E.g., pre-warm all Uniswap-related storage slots? Should we run a historical analysis to understand what the workload looks like?
  3. Can we pipeline and batch EVM operations? For example, can we detect SLOAD/SSTORE calls across multiple transactions in a “batch write” and “batch read” process and save them on DB queries? Can we make an expensive opcode execute in the background until their result is needed?
  4. Can we further optimize the EVM by detecting N-sequences of opcodes and performing “block” opcode execution instead of one by one (EVMone already has made strides there)?

