
I used brew to install it. Very smooth process.

brew install paradigmxyz/brew/reth

You also need to install a consensus layer node. I chose Lighthouse.

brew install lighthouse

Run the node

I did an Ethereum full-node client with:


I decided to use Sepolia testnet for disk space requirements as it only takes ~100GB.

RUST_LOG=info reth node --chain sepolia --metrics --http --http.api "admin,debug,eth,net,trace,txpool,web3,rpc"

Let’s break down the command:

Reth must communicate with a consensus client. This communication happens over the Engine API, which is by default exposed at http://localhost:8551.

Reth will also create a secret (JWT) to communicate with the consensus client. Default path is /Users/<NAME>/Library/Application Support/reth/mainnet/jwt.hex. Take note of it because you will need it very soon.